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I decided a very long time ago, that I wanted to help others in their own self-care and personal growth.

I wasn’t sure what it looked like but I knew it involved art materials, teaching, and the tough one was- I knew I had to be vulnerable and share openly in order to do this work well.

So I stalled for years… like 15 years. I just secretly worked on all of this for 15+ years.

And then- One day I said to myself, “Stop being a sissy, you have always been comfortable with your story- good, bad and ugly. It’s time to share.”

I also knew if I am teaching workshops about using art materials to calm and focus on what is important to you, I had to show you how I have been using art materials to calm and focus myself my whole life. I had to plan time for self care. I had to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

So- please know, my posts are all true, they are personal, close to my heart and the art is straight from my soul. I hope here and there you find bits and pieces that you connect with, it is how I have processed life since I was very little, through art.

Some posts are raw and heavy, others awkward realizations, some I hope give you a chuckle and all include some of my biggest life lessons. The little rough sketches with each post are my own, straight out of my sketch book.- I sign all with my maiden name KMac (Kim MacPhee) as I always have- but my married name is Kim Critz.

Thanks for reading. I am not an English major so please look past a few run-on sentences and missed punctuation. It isn’t about those things to me. It is about what is on my heart and mind. I hope you find something that connects to your heart and life experience. If all else fails- and at the very least, I will have a lovely journal of my life lessons and their interpretation in my art.

My first blog post and sketchbook art will be shared this Sunday morning… until then I will sit here and sweat wondering if I am over sharing with every tick of the clock.

Cheers to scary things that help you grow.

With love,


“If you can’t stop thinking about it, maybe it’s about time that you pursue it.”n(Life is really all about how we use our precious time… right?)

Healing HeArtwork for you:

Without negative self talk or judgement, write down one thing that you have wanted to do. It might relate to any area of life- mind, body or spirit growth.

Draw (doesn’t have to be perfect) what it looks and feels like to you and/or cut out pictures, place this in a spot where you will see it daily. Write out the steps that it will take to do it. Take tiny steps daily towards it.